Due to the large volume of cassettes, sermons in this section are listed alphabetically, by the last name of the speaker. For your convenience, they are listed below, on tabs identified by the first letter of the speakers’ last name. To access the lists, click on the letter on a tab. The last tab contains a list of tapes consisting of compiled messages.
Aldrich, Joe
Worship or Worry, Gospel in a Nutshell and Three Dimensions of Love, etc.
Anderson, Dr. Charles W.
Remember Lot’s Wife
Arnold, Rev. Herbert
How to Live the Christian Life and What are You Looking At?
Barshaw, Fred
How to Witness to Mormons;
Baumann, J. Daniel
Make Up Your Mind;
Beck, Rev. Stephen
How My Bad Conscience Got Me A Good Thing;
Tale of Two Cities: City of the World and the City of God;
Berry Harold
Cults-Counterfeit or Christianity;
Bertolini, Rev. Dewey
The Seriousness of Self-Destruction
Blaiklock, E.M.
What is Prayer?
What of the Future, and What is Discipleship?
Blue, Ron and Judy
Raising Money-Smart Kids;
Boice, Dr. James
Great Chapters of the Bible;
Holy Spirit Series;
Boyer, Rev. Harden
The Greatness of God, and How to Live Above Circumstances;
Breese, Dave
Five Horsemen;
Marks of a Cult;
What’s Ahead?
Brown, Roland
Joy, Antidote for Fatigue;
Carroll, Joseph S.
What Worship is and How to Worship;
Chapel of the Air
Interview with Dr. Viggo Olsen;
Cocoris, Dr. Ted
Everyone Talking About Heaven Ain’t Going There, and Believe What?
Criswell, Dr. W.A.
Holy Spirit Series;
Counterfeit Religion, and 144,000 on Mount Zion;
Cronk, Dr. Malcolm
Messages on Prayer
DeBrine, Dr. John
How Satan Makes Revolution;
How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit;
Edman, Dr. Raymond
Life More Abundantly, from I Corinthians 15;
England, Edward
The Mountain That Moved
Gardiner, Rev. George
Charismatic Movement;
Seven Feasts of God to Israel;
Gesswein, Armin
Prayer Life of Christ;
Gustafson, Roy
Modern Israel;
Gutzke, Manford
Basic Ideas About God;
Havner, Dr. Vance
Leaving It All;
Look Who’s Here;
It’s About Time, and If My People;
Hendricks, Dr. Howard
Our Prayers Life, and Psalm 11;
Hession, Roy
Calvary Road;
Hillis, Don
What Can Tongues Do for You?
Horn, Rev. Novell
Total Commitment to Jesus Christ;
Hoyt, Dr. H.
Jewish Evangelism;
Hunter, Dr. John
Things Missing in Our Life;
Challenge of Teen Evangelism, and Teenage Love;
Hybels, Bill
Who Are You When No One’s Looking;
Hyles, Dr. Jack
Jeremiah, Dr. David
God’s Love for a Lost;
Stress of Life;
Johnson, Dr. S. Lewis
What Must I Do To Be Saved? and Divine Side;
God is He, and What is He Like?
Johnson, Paul
A New Beginning;
Rejections of Christ;
Kennedy, James
Prodigal Generation, and Spiritual State of the Union;
Kier, Rev. Everett
Sons, Soldiers and Farmers, and Where are the 7,000?
Kirban, Salem
Doctrines of Devils;
Larson, Art
Trademarks of a Christian;
If the Foundation be Destroyed;
Lauren, Roy L.
Meet Yourself in the Bible;
Lease, Stuart
Ephesians-Worth Walk and Worldlings Walk;
Letchford, Dr. Peter
Not Hearers Only, But Doers, and Missionary Motives;
LeTourneau, R. H.
Success Without Compromise;
Lindsey, Hal
Hal Lindsey’s Testimony
Little, Paul
Know Why You Believe;
Lucado, Max
When God Whispers Your Name
Mains, David R.
Great Words of the Gospel;
Marshall, Peter
Peter Marshall Speaks, Trial by Fire, and Trumpet of the Morn;
Martin, Dr. Albert
God’s Abiding Presence with His People;
Martin, Walter R.
World of the Occult;
McConkey, James H.
The Surrendered Life;
The Way of Victory;
Meyer, F. B.
Fellowship with God;
Jeremiah, Priest and Prophet;
Miles, Dr. George
Blessed Man, and Ways that Seem Right to Man;
Good Sides of Peter, and Second Coming of Christ;
Miller, Dr. Donald
What the Bible Says about Exorcism;
Miller, Keith
Taste of New Wine;
Morgan, G. Campbell
Great Chapters of the Bible;
Morris, Henry
The Scientific Case for Creation, and Creation and the Modern Christian;
Percy, Dr. J.O.
The Pathway of Blessing;
Peters, Dr. Art
Overcoming the Poison of Bitterness;
Peterson, William J. and Weiss
Temptation – A Street Called Staight?
The Lord is My Shepherd;
New Cult Series;
Philip, James
The Christian Armor;
Phillips, George
It’s a Hard Life;
Things That Accompany Salvation
Pipkin, Dr. Lester
Hope for the Heaven Bound, and Heart Trouble;
Poure, Ken
Come Alive;
Message from Moses;
Pritchard, Rev. Sparky
First Commandment – Love the Lord with All Your Heart and Soul;
Pritz, Chaplain Ray
What is Life? and Let’s Talk About the Gospel;
What is Truth? and A Tax Collector Meets Christ
Radmacker Dr. Earl
The Holy Spirit;
Uttermost Salvation;
Redpath, Dr. Alan
Lovest Thou Me?
Temptation and How to Overcome;
Rees, Tom
Raising Lazarus from the Dead;
The Virgin Birth;
Reidhead, Paris
We Must Come to Christ on His Terms;
Matthew 6: Three Parables of Lost and Found;
Renich, Rev. Fred
Paul’s Two-fold Rule;
Rice Dr. John R.
Tears in Heaven;
What it Costs to be a Good Christian;
Rimmer, Harry
Noah’s Ark;
Robinson, Haddon
History’s Great Event, and God, Sin and Man;
Justification by Faith;
Man’s Life Consisteth Not of Wordly Things
Sampson, William
The Holy Spirit, Christian Character, and Rejoice in the Lord;
What Does it Means to Eat Christ’s Flesh and Drink His Blood? and Fruitful Walk with God;
Steadman, Ray
Towel Wearers, Cure for Troubled Hearts, and other messages;
Stellings, Rev. Ed
I Spoke in Tongues;
Still, William
Proverbs Chapters 3 and 4;
Thompson, Cameron
Master Secrets of Prayer;
Thompson, Luther Joe
Monday Morning Prayer;
Torrey, R. A.
How to Pray;
Tournier, Paul
The Healing of Persons;
Tozer, A. W.
How To Be Filled with the Holy Spirit;
Tragedy in the Church
Walter, Russ
One Nation Under God;
Walking in the Light, and Loosed from Thine Infirmity;
Warris, Ann
Stories of Christmas;
Wildish, Rev. Harold
Nazarite Unto God;
Wilson, Walter
God’s Will is Perfect, and Work of Satan;
Winchel, Richard
Priority of a Progressive Faith;
Wolston, W. T. P.
Rest for the Weary
Woodward, Richard
Choose You This Day, and Testimony;
Woychuk, N. A.
Faith of Experience
Vander Lugt, Herbert
Light in the Valley, and Living and Dying;
Vander Warner
Untilted Message, and music;
Volk, Stanley
Compiled by Curtis Hutson
Great Preaching on Heaven;
Great Preaching on the Duty of Christ;
Great Preaching on the Resurrection;
Compiled by Mary Virginia Robinson
Stories of Christmas