Alcohol – A Brittle Crutch and Why Do Innocents Suffer?

Chariots of the Gods, and Human Mind, Overcoming Life;

The Christian and Illness;

Creative and Negative Tension;

Cure for Money Worries;

Doubt versus Unbelief, Some Lies Don’t Die, and Folly of Relativism;

Equal Rights Amendment, Let’s Go Back, and The Christian and the Occult;

Fallacy of Universalism, and Your Life – Purposeful or Pointless?

Few Against Many;

Guilt Complex, No Man is an Island, and Is This the Year?

How to Deal with Depression, Do You Need Confidence? and Let’s Communicate;

How to Identify a Cult;

I Will Fear No Evil, and Nervousness and Depression;

Is Christianity Reasonable? A Fortune for a Meal, and Language of the Skies;

Is Your God in the Bank, What Happened to the Dinosaurs? and Love – The Greatest Force;

I Might Have Been, Angel in Stone, and Woman Who Crashed a Banquet;

The Laughter of the Bible, Are the Heathen Lost? and The 10 Commandments;

Let’s Fight, Teach Us to Pray, and Where Will You Be?

The Lord’s Day, Why God Allows the Devil, and Love of God;

The Nation’s Chief Asset – The Truth;

Neo-Orthodoxy, and God’s Great Society;

The Power of God, Sovereignty of God, and What is Sin?

Scum of the World, Is Being a Christian Easy, and Insecurity – Good or Bad?

The Ten Commandments and Other Messages;

Tragic Death – God’s Will?

Trapped by Your Feelings, Why Some Won’t Believe, and Silence of God;

Unbelievers Also Believe, and Guesses versus Verities;

What is Death, and Where are the Dead?