Absolute Surrender, by Andrew Murray;
Another Day, by Eugenia Price;
As a Tree Grows, by Phillip Keller;
Child In Your Heart, by Rosalind Rinker;
By the Still Waters, by Vance Havner;
Devotional Time, by Mike Gorrie;
Eventide, by John Dunlap;
The Exchanged Life- Gal. 2:20, by Dr. Stephen Olford;
on one cassette with
Obedience to Christ-John 14:13, by Dr. Stephen Olford;
Family Devotions, by Earl Williams;
A Gardener Looks at the Fruit of the Spirit, by Phillip Keller;
God’s Comfort in Sorrow, by Robert Peterson;
God’s Peculiar People, by A. W. Tozer;
God’s Transmitters, by Hannah Hurnard;
A Handful of Questions, by Harold Rogers;
Hinds Feet in High Places, by Hannah Hurnard;
I Will Not Fear, by Marguerite Connell;
I’m Out to Change my World, by Ann Kiemel;
In His Steps, by Charles Shedd;
In My Father’s House, by Corrie ten Boom;
Learning to be a Man, by Kenneth Smith;
Learning to Love God, Ourselves, & People, by Richard Peace;
Koinonia, by Dr. Charles Swindoll;
A Layman’s Look at the Lord’s Prayer, by Phillip Keller;
Meditations on the Tabernacle, by E. W. Wakefield;
Mere Christianity, by C. S. Lewis;
Missions Conference, Elwood McQuaid, speaker;
Mountains of Spice, by Hannah Hurnard;
My Utmost for His Highest, by Oswald Chambers;
Not I, But Christ, by Corrie ten Boom;
Of God and Men, by A. W. Tozer;
Pursuit of God, by A. W. Tozer;
Putting the Cross Where it Belongs, by Ord Morrow;
Put Your Life Together (Ruth), by Warren W. Wiersbe;
Sea Edge, by W. Phillip Keller;
Streams in the Desert Vol.2, by Mrs. Charles E. Cowan;
There’s A Snake in My Garden, by Jill Briscoe;
Unto the Hills, by Billy Graham;
Who Am I God?, by Marjorie Holmes;
A Wider Place, by Eugenia Price;
A Woman At the Well, by Dales Evans Rogers.