Tapes in this section of our Bible Study collection are listed in biblical order, beginning with the Old Testament.

The exception is the Through the Bible series by J. Vernon McGee; those tapes are listed on a separate page, under his name, and can be accessed from this page by clicking on the identifying link below the New Testament listing.

Studies in the Old Testament

Genesis, by James M. Boice;

Genesis Series, by Dr. Stanley D. Toussaint;

Exodus, by Dr. David Hocking;

Hosea, by James Boice;

Studies in Judges, by Dr. David Hocking;

Judges, by Sparky Pritchard;

Judges, by E.W. Wakefield;

Ruth, by Roberta Renner;

Series in Ruth, by Dr. Wendell Grout;

First Samuel, by Rev. Sparky Pritchard;

Second Samuel, by Rev. Sparky Pritchard;

Nehemiah, by Dr. David Hocking;

Nehemiah, by Rev. Sparky Pritchard;

Nehemiah, by Warren Wiersbe;

Esther, by Dr. Ray Stedman;

Psalm 34-63, by Warren Wiersbe;

Ezekiel,  by Stuart Briscoe;

Daniel, Dr. John MacArthur;

Daniel, by Rev. Sparky Pritchard;

Amos – Famine of God’s Word, by Warren Wiersbe;

Zechariah, by Dr. John MacArthur;

Malachai, by Donald G. Barnhouse.

Studies in the New Testament

Matthew, by Dr. John MacArthur;

Matthew, by Dr. Matthew Rosenthal;

Matthew, by Dr. Stanley D. Toussaint;

Mark, by Dr. John MacArthur;

Luke, by Donald G. Barnhouse;

John, by Rev. Sparky Pritchard;

A Series in John, by Dr. Allen Fleece;

Studies in John, by Dr. Stanley D. Toussaint;

Acts, by John Hunter;

Acts, by Dr. Richard Bennett;

Romans, by Donald G. Barnhouse;

Romans, by Theodore H. Epp;

Romans, by Dr. John MacArthur;

Romans, by Dr. Stanley D. Toussaint;

Romans-Everyone’s Gospel, by J.W. MacGorman;

A Study in Romans, by Ann Warris;

Studies in Romans, by Warren Wiersbe;

First Corinthians, by Dr. Stanley D. Toussaint;

Second Corinthians, by Warren Wiersbe;

Galatians, by Donald G. Barnhouse;

Galatians, by Hal Lindsey

Galatians, by Dr. John D. MacArthur;

Ephesians, by Larry Christenson;

Ephesians, by Theodore H. Epp;

Ephesians, by Dr. John MacArthur;

Ephesians, by Rev. Sparky Pritchard;

Philippians, by Dr. David Hocking;

Colossians, by Theodore H. Epp;

Colossians, by Dr. John D. MacArthur;

First and Second Timothy, by Dr. David Hocking;

Hebrews, by Donald Campbell;

Hebrews, by Dr. Matthew Rosenthal;

A Study in James, by Dr. Michael Corcoris;

James, by Dr. Charles Swindoll;

James, by Dr. Harlin J. Roper;

First Peter, by Dr. John MacArthur;

First Peter, by Dr. John MacArthur;

Second Peter, by Rev. Sparky Pritchard;

Studies in First John, by Dr. David Hocking;

First, Second and Third John, by Dr. John MacArthur;

Jude, by Dr. John MacArthur;

Jude, by Dr. Stanley D. Toussaint;

Revelation by Donald G. Barnhouse.