Autobiography Catalog
Angel Unaware, by Dale Evans Rogers;
Black and Free, by Tom Skinner;
Born Again, by Charles Colson;
The Burden is Light, by Eugenia Price;
Choices . . . Changes, by Joni E. Tada;
Crying Wind, by Crying Wind;
Foretaste of Glory, by Ann Warris;
God in the Hard Times, by Dale Evans Rogers;
God Owns My Business, by Stanley Tam;
God’s Smuggler, by Brother Andrew;
The Hiding Place, by Corrie ten Boom;
It’s My Turn, by Ruth Bell Graham;
Joni, by Joni Earickson;
Mission Possible, by Hans Kristian and Dave Hunt;
Roy LeTourneau, by Mover of Men and Mountains;
Personal Testimony of Dr. Manford Gutzke;
Personal Testimony of Freddie Gage;
Personal Testimonies of Tom Smoake and Bobby Richardson;
Rebel With a Cause, by Franklin Graham;
St. Simons Memoir, by Eugenia Price
Second Chance, by David and Sarah van Wade;
A Step Further, by Joni Eareckson;
Story of My Life, by J. Oswald Sanders;
Surprised by Joy, by C. S. Lewis;
Then Sings My Soul, by George Beverly Shea;
Tramp for the Lord, by Corrie ten Boom.
Biography Catalog
Abraham Lincoln, the Christian, by William J. Johnson;
Adoniram Judson, by Faith Coxe Bailey;
Annalisa, by Christine Hunt;
C.T. Studd, by Norma P. Grubb;
Cameos, by Helena Kooiman;
D. L. Moody, by Faith Coxe Bailey;
Daktar-Diplomat in Bangledesh, by Dr. Viggo Olsen;
Dynamic, Paget Wilkes of Japan, by R. Govan Stewart;
Fanny Crosby, Singing I Go, by Basil Miller;
Father ten Boom-God’s Man, by Corrie ten Boom;
The Five Silent Years of Corrie ten Boom, by Pamela Rosewell;
Florence Nightingale: The Lady with the Lamp, by Basil Miller;
From Pulpit to Prison, by Paul Carlin;
George Mueller, by Faith Coxe Bailey;
George Washington, Man of Courage, by Norma C. Camp;
Gladys Alyward; The Little Woman, by Christine Hunt;
God’s Tribesmen, by James Hefley;
Grace Livingston Hill, by Robert Munce;
Gypsy Smith, by David Lazell;
Hammered as Gold, by David M. Howard;
How Great Christians Met Christ, by James Hefley;
Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret, by Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor;
In the Presence of Mine Enemies; Beyond Combat, by Howard and Phyllis Rutledge;
Isaac Newton, by John Tiner;
James Edward Oglethorpe, by Joyce Blackburn;
John Bunyan, by William Dean;
The Last of the Giants, by Harry Rimmer;
Life of D. L. Moody, by Warren Wiersbe;
M.R. DeHaan: The Man and His Ministry, by James R. Adair;
A Man Called Peter, by Catherine Marshall;
Martha Berry, by Joyce Blackburn;
My Years with Corrie, by Ellen De Kroon Stamps;
Policeman’s Perspective of God, by Bob Vernon;
Robert E. Lee, by Roddy Lee;
Samuel Morris, The Walk of Faith, by Lindley Baldwin;
Stones of Fire, by Isobel Kuhn;
Susanna Wesley-Servant of God, by Dandy Dengler;
Tara, Story of a Brain-Damaged Child, by Michael and Donna Nason;
Then Came Jesus, by Clyde Kirby;
Those Were the Days, by Basil Miller;
Transparent Woman, by Phyllis Thompson;
The Unhurried Chase, by Betty Carlson;
Up Henry Hollow, by Jean Potter;
Wingspread, by A. W. Tozer;
Zvi, by Elwood McQuaid.
Stories of Great Christians Series, produced by Moody Bible Institute
Dr. Walter L. Wilson, by Kenneth Gangle;
John and Isobel Kuhn;
Johann Sebastian Bach;
Will Houghton, by Wilbur Smith;
Fanny Crosby, by Jim and Merna Grant;
Hudson and Maria Taylor.