Fiction braille selections are grouped here by author if we have four or more books by the same author.  To access the list of books in those collections, click on the author’s name below.  Other books are listed in a separate section below, in alphabetical order by title.

Braille Fiction by Other Authors

Alpine Fugitives, by Ambrose Haynes;

The Beloved Invader, by Eugenia Price;

Beyond the Night, by Betty Swinford;

Blaze Star, by Paul Hutchins;

Dangerous Flame, by Joyce Hoekzema;

Dear Pastor, by Hilda Bryant;

Discoveries, by Eugenia Price;

The Doctor’s Return, by Ken Anderson;

Find Out for Yourself, by Eugenia Price;

Golf’s Sacred Journey, by David L. Cook;

Greater Love Hath No Man, by David Allison;

Homespun, by Emmett Russell;

Jessica, by Hebsa Stretton;

Jungle Harvest, by Ruby Scott;

Karen Simms – Private Secretary, by Bernard Palmer;

Lilac Time, by Emmet Russel;

Memlo, The Persian Stable Boy, by B. H. Pearson;

Other Side of the Tell, by Betti Story;

Pat’s New life, by Dorothy Marsh;

Phil Tyler’s Opportunity, by F. E. Burnham;

A Place Called Home, by Lori Wick;

Rachel, by Leila Prince Golding;

Ruth the Rebel, by L. V. Davidson;

The Secret Country, by C. S. Lewis;

Shadow Under the Midnight Sun, by Ken Anderson;

Snowfire, by K. Shelby;

A Song for Silas, by Lori Wick;

Steep Ascent, by Dorothy Dennison;

Student Nurse, by Bernard Palmer.